ピアニスト 仲村渠悠子

通常のソロリサイタルにオリジナル曲を交え、観客から与えられるテーマをもとに即興演奏するという独自の演奏スタイルは、「Grosse Talent(大きな才能)」「Yukos schöne Welt(悠子の美しい世界)」「Meisterin der Tasten(鍵盤のマエストロ)」 等、ドイツ国内の新聞各社に取り上げられる。2015年6月には、自作のトリオ「3つの小品」が、ドイツリートベルクの修道院にて演奏された。
2016年9月、第6回 Sejong Dream Tree Korean Traditional Orchestra(韓国の伝統楽器によるオーケストラ) & Sejong Dream Tree Orchestra 合同コンサートにてオーケストラとピアノ一台用(オリジナルはピアノ2台)に編曲された「サンサーンスの動物の謝肉祭」を演奏。同年11月には、韓国の国立アジア文化殿堂より第1回 Anniversary Performing Arts-Festival in Gwangju に招待され若いピアニストたちへの指導、および韓国新進気鋭の作曲家キム・ウンヘ、ハン・デソブ、イ・ムンソク等の四手連弾作品を披露。
2019年「仲村渠悠子コンサートシリーズ Vol.1」をパレット市民劇場(沖縄)にて開催。同年12月、中国・長春にてリストピアノ協奏曲第一番を、吉林省東北師範大学オーケストラと共演。吉林省東北師範大学にて、即興演奏特別授業を行う。
- 1992年度PTNAピアノコンペティション全国大会E級 銅賞・全日空賞・ソニー賞
- 第5回おきでんシュガーコンクール新人演奏会 優秀賞
- 第13回彩の国埼玉ピアノコンクール一般の部 1位・県知事賞
- 第10回日本国際室内楽コンクール 4位
- ギリシャ レシムノン ザイラー国際ピアノコンクール ディプロマ賞
- ドイツデトモルト音楽大学非常勤講師(2009~2010年)
- ドイツデトモルト音楽大学講師(2010~2015年)
- 沖縄県立芸術大学非常勤講師(2021年~)
Yuko Nakandakari
Yuko Nakandakari is a Japanese classical concert pianist and composer. She was born in Naha, Okinawa. She started playing the piano when she was a child. She has been excellent in piano improvisation since she was a young child.
She spent her high school and college at Toho Gakuen College of Music. She continued her study at the graduate course of the same college and completed at the top.
She moved to Germany in 2003 to pursue her dream to be a pianist and studied piano at Detmold University of Music (Hochschule für Musik Detmold). She graduated at the top from the university and passed the Konzertexamen. She studied piano under Noboru Uechi, Sai Ohtsubo, Yukiko Hibiya, Yoshie Koura, Mikhail Voskresensky, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Anatol Ugorski and András Schiff.
After graduating from Detmold University of Music, she worked as a Korrepetitor of its university and taught her younger students. She has been performing with orchestra, chamber music and solo in Germany, Greece, Korea and China.
In her solo recital, she performs her original pieces and also plays live improvisation inspired by the theme given from the audience. Her solo performances were highly recognized in Germany and the newspapers titled her performances as "Great Talent”, “Yuko’s beautiful World” and “Maestro of Keyboard”. In June 2015, she played her original piano trio Three Short Pieces at Rietberg Monastery in Germany.
She is also highly trusted as an accompanist. She performed with Jozsef Kiss (oboe professor of Detmold University of Music), Lee Cheol Woong (trombone professor of Yonsei University), Wansun-Kim (Korean trumpeter), Sumire Kudo (cellist in New York Philharmonic) and Junichiro Murakami (chief violist in WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne).
In June 2016, she played Saint-Saëns’s The Carnival of the Animals arranged for one piano version in the joint concert with the Sejong Tree Korean Traditional Orchestra and Sejong Tree Korean Orchestra. In September 2016, she was invited by Korea Asia Culture Center to the First Anniversary Performing Arts-Festival in Gwangju and she gave an intensive lecture on contemporary music to younger pianists.
In July 2019, she held a concert Yuko Nakandakari Concert Series Vol.1 at Palette Civic Theater in Naha, Okinawa. In December 2019, she was invited to Northeast Normal University in Changchu-city, Jilin Province (China). She played Liszt’s Piano Concerto No.1 with the university orchestra. She also gave a special lecture on piano improvisation to the music students.
In February 2021, her husband, Janghoon Cho (orchestra conductor and composer) and she recorded her original works Yuko Nakandakari Orchestra Project Sketch of Music. The works were arranged for an orchestra and piano by her husband.
After her twelve-year life in Germany, she returned home to Okinawa in 2015. Currently, she is actively working as a pianist and composer. She also started teaching piano at home and involved in fostering younger musicians.
- PTNA Level E Piano Competition: Bronze Prize, ANA Award and Sony Award
- The 5th Okiden Sugar Hall Newcomers Competition: Excellent Award
- Saitama Piano Competition: 1st Place and Governor’s Award
- The 10th Japan International Chamber Music Competition: Fourth Place
- Greece Rethymno Seiler International Piano Competition: Diploma Award
- Part-Time Teacher of Detmold University of Music (2009–10)
- Docent of Detmold University of Music (2010–15)
- Part-Time Teacher of Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts (2021–)
These are the articles featuring her performances in Germany.
沖縄タイムス ほ~むぷらざ 2018年11月
Yuko’s Original CDs and Original Music Score Book.
Mimigusui (original music score)
Collection of her music scores (11 pieces) published by The Classical Music Eumagchunchu in Korea. These comfortable pieces heal your ears and heart.
Order from the outside of Japan

ナカンダカリピアノ教室 / Yuko Nakandakari Piano School
Message from Yuko:
I’m looking forward to meeting anyone who loves to play the piano from a beginner to an advanced piano player. My dream is to play the piano as long as I can. I’m pleased to teach my students relaxing ways to communicate with the piano. I can also offer a lesson for chamber music, accompaniment skills and solfege.
Please feel free to contact Yuko Nakandakari Piano School.
Thank you.
指揮レッスン / Conducting Lesson
If you would like a conducting lesson, please contact us.